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Showing posts from July, 2013

Missions Exists Because Worship Doesn’t   1.       Introduction: The Core Misunderstanding This title may sound provocative, and it is. But let me explain why I think this statement is true. It is because we do not understand the nature of biblical worship that we fail to understand the nature of missions. When I say missions, I include under this broad category: home evangelism, cross-cultural and foreign missions, and any ministry which has to do with the proclamation of the good news of Christ. Christians need to first understand biblical worship if they want to be “missionaries” in any sense. So if our understanding of missions hinges on our understanding of worship, we need to first start by looking at what worship is. 2.       Definition of worship Proskuneo: “Worship, fall down, fall down and worship, kneel, bow down low, fall at another’s feet” This was a physical act in OT worship. It was also done in s...

To spank or not to spank? is no longer the question in Germany

(click title above to view article on Aquila report where it was first published) To spank or not to spank?  is no longer the question in Germany, at least for law-abiding citizens. The parental right to spank was rescinded in 2000 when a new phrase was introduced into the German constitution: “Children have a right to an upbringing free of violence. Corporal punishment, emotional harm and other humiliating measures are not permissible“ (§ 1631.2 BGB ). As of April 2013, two books were blacklisted at the request of the German child protection services because they promote spanking. The first is Michael and Debi Pearl’s To Train up a Child , the second is Ted Tripp’s Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Though these books may appear as bookshelf standards in many American evangelical homes, they are now banned from being displayed, printed, imported or exported, advertized or mailed within Germany. I believe these are the first two of many more to follow. Lou Priolo’s Teach T...

I Am the Silver Man

(Click on above title to see original post on TGC)     The Brandenburg Gate. A German national monument to grandeur, it retells the glory and shame of a nation. Stolen by Napoleon and abused by Hitler. Militarism, fascism, division, reunification. We are there as tourists this time. Grandma and Pépé are visiting. I am stunned. I stand there frozen for what seems like minutes. I feel anger bubbling up within me and turn away from my silver adversary. I start walking around aimlessly. I don't think well on my feet. All the things I could have said to lash back! Considering he only moved for a few seconds, a few coins add up to a pretty respectable hourly pay. He's really only begging—how dare he be so ungrateful. Beggars can't be choosers. The anger continues to rise in me until it overflows. I am usually quiet and self-controlled, so I was surprised to hear myself yelling, again and again, "I hate Germany, I hate Germans." Pearls Before Swine? To ...