#1: “I am completely in charge of my life”
I am the
sole person who can decide whether my life is worth living. When my life
quality has become too difficult to bear, I can decide to end my life. Since I
am dying anyway, why should I prolong the suffering?
The Christian's Problem with
Assumption #1
The reality
is, I am not in charge of my life. I am a creature. I had no role to play in my own conception. My
time and existence were appointed by someone else. God gives me abilities to
decide and control my life to a certain extent, but there are always variables
that I cannot control. The giver and taker of life is, according to the Bible,
God [1]. The time of my death is
therefore in his hands. Life quality is a very subjective thing. Who is the
judge of what life is worth living? The Christian’s pro-life argument against
abortion is the same for euthanasia. Life is sacred and not to be tampered
with. When humans make themselves the judge of whether or not a life is worth
living, they often quickly start applying their own standards to it. Is this
life productive? Independent? Pretty? Strong? Slippery slope arguments are never
the best ones, but there have been horrible cases of systematic euthanasia
programs such as Hitler’s based on the concept of Lebensunwertes Leben (life not worthy of life) which eliminated elderly,
physically and mentally disabled persons. This ease of “getting rid” of people with
bad life qualities paved the way for the Holocaust. No one wants to go there
again. Taking life is playing God and it is a dangerous thing to do!
#2: “Suffering is to be avoided at all cost”
The Christian's Problem with
Assumption #2
Of course no
one wants to suffer. Are Christian
gluttons for punishment? Are we saying that there should be no relief for pain?
No pain killers for pulling teeth? No! Jesus went around alleviating people’s
suffering and healing them. C.S. Lewis
wrote, "Pain removes the veil; it plants
the flag of truth within the fortress of a rebel soul." Suffering can be a means God uses in
a person’s life to deepen faith, relationships and eternal perspective. Suffering,
in a biblical worldview, is not our worst enemy [2]. The illusion of complete autonomy from God, however, is. This illusion allows us to pretend we can be God. That is a much more bitter
pill that kills our souls in the end. If suffering is to be avoided at all cost,
we might as well all put an end to our lives today because we are all dying and
will all experience pain in our lives. That is a given.
None of this
diminishes Brittany’s heart-wrenching situation and acute pain but one must put
this discussion on an ethical level. Ethics is built on the notion that there is right and wrong that is not just subjective. The Christian looks to God for the definition of what is right, not circumstances or subjectivity. The hope of the Christian is that there
is more to this life than the here and now. There is the hope of finding
meaning and beauty even in the midst of suffering and there is the hope of
eternal life without pain and suffering in the world to come because Jesus
threw heaven’s gates wide open through his pain, death and victory over death. The belief that God creates life and triumphs over death is why Christians stand against abortion
and suicide even though such solutions might seem like the easier way out of a horrible
and desperate situation. There is no situation too dark for God to enter. That is why Christians
place their faith and hope in Jesus. And this hope is given to all who will believe.
[1] 1 Sam 2:6, Job 1:21