Being on the
mission field is a difficult, humbling and growing experience. There are many
wonderful and exciting aspects to living overseas. But the challenge with
missions is that the one thing I am called to do is the one thing I cannot do!
Think about it: The Lord commissions us all to “go and make disciples.” Sounds
like a simple enough command, right? Well, it is an actual impossibility for
any of us. Why? Because we cannot change hearts. We cannot move someone closer
to the Kingdom. We cannot argue them into the Kingdom, not even woo them into
it. We cannot make someone love God or be attracted to his nature. The work of
converting hearts is the work of the Holy Spirit alone. And when he’s not
moving in that way, it feels like we are knocking our heads up against a wall.
I experienced this for many years, working with atheists in the former East
Berlin and praying fervently for their salvation. There were times I doubted that
the Gospel was really God’s power to accomplish it.
Through my recent
work with the refugees, I have been reminded repeatedly of God’s sovereign work
and hand in people’s lives. Their needs are so huge, I know I’m helpless to
help. My resources are naught, my compassion quickly exhausted, my control over
situations illusory. Because of this, I am cast to my knees and so are they.
The beautiful truth that this has shown me and them is that God is able. In the
face of the terrible housing market, God has opened doors because we prayed.
After a few months of asking God together, one of the ladies called and said:
“Jesus gave me an apartment!” when a real estate agent called her out of the blue
with a place for her and her family. She realized it was the Lord. Another
woman said that during her journey towards the Christian faith she had started
to pray that God would reveal himself to her so that she would know who he is.
One night she had a dream in which a man stood behind her and spoke in a
language she did not know but somehow understood what the man said: “all you
need to know about me is that I am who I am.” She only realized later
that this was Jesus. God has brought these precious people into our midst and I
know full well I can’t…I don’t even think I can. My conclusion is the God who appeared to Moses in the burning bush, the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is still the same today. He can still bring people
back from the dead. That leads me to want to shout over the rooftops:
“I knew He could-I knew He could-I knew He could!”